

Dear vacation rental manager, you’ve been an early adopter of AI for years. Here’s why.

Dear vacation rental manager, you’ve been an early adopter of AI for years. Here’s why.

If you manage vacation rentals, you’re already more familiar with AI than you might think, …

How To Optimize Listings At Scale With Custom AI

How To Optimize Listings At Scale With Custom AI

Efficiency and personalization are not just desired but required for success in the short-term rental …

Airbnb ranking listings with AI

How Airbnb Uses AI to Rank Your Listings And Boost Its Revenues

As an Airbnb host, you’ve likely wondered how your listing ranks in search results on …

Using ChatGPT to Craft Airbnb Listings That Command Attention and Bookings

Using ChatGPT to Craft Airbnb Listings That Command Attention and Bookings

Where buzzwords and sales pitches often dominate the conversation around AI tools in short-term rental …

pms ai-driven jurney

Crowdfunding: Jurny’s Ambitious Path in the Vacation Rental Market

In the evolving world of vacation rental management, companies like Jurny are carving out their …


How the 2024 Eclipse is Transforming the Off-Season into Peak Demand in US Markets

How the 2024 Eclipse is Transforming the Off-Season into Peak Demand in US Markets

In April 2024, a spectacular celestial event will traverse the United States and parts of …

Regaining Control: Loosening the Algorithm's Grip on Your Short-Term Rental Pricing Strategy

Regaining Control: Loosening the Algorithm’s Grip on Your Pricing Strategy

In an era where data reigns supreme and algorithms dictate a significant portion of our …

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