Vacation Rental Management Conference: European Holiday Home Association: Summer 2020 vacation rental trends

Adrienne Fors

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European Holiday Home Association: Summer 2020 vacation rental trends

This article is part of our Rental Scale-Up vacation rental management conference series. This is an extract from our April 2020 conference: “Get Your Business Through the COVID-19 Crisis By Discovering How Local Property Managers Resist the Global Coronavirus Epidemic.”

Vacation Rental Management Conference: European Holiday Home Association’s Carlos Villaro Lassen

As one of the heads of the continent-wide European Holiday Home Association, Carlos will bring some thought-provoking insights to local property managers. For instance, trends for Summer 2020 point out to trips within a 1-hour to 3-hour drive from home. In Europe, 3 hours often means crossing a border. Yet, some borders are closed. Governments have also not been clear on whether holiday homes will be able to reopen. And hotel lobbies are pushing their agenda. Carlos will explain how property managers can act locally to have an impact across Europe.

Vacation Rental Management Conference: Video From The 2020 Local Property Manager Conference

Vacation Rental Management Conference: Full Conversation Between Carlos Villaro Lassen And Thibault Masson