Techsplained is a show that helps vacation rental property managers and owners clearly understand what industry tech solutions do. Every week, Deborah Labi from The Guest Innspector publishes a 15-minute interview with a solution provider. No chit-chat, just clear explanations of what one solution does and who it is for. Deborah has agreed to share with us more about the show and let us share a few videos of it.
Why Techsplained?
Techsplained came about because of my consultancy The Guest Innspector. The report I produce after an ‘innspection’ includes recommendations, so I need to know what is available out there to be able to make the best recommendations, whether it’s to save my client money, time, improve their website, business systems, guest experience, etc. So I needed to know “who’s who and what do they do” in our industry.
What is Techsplained solving for?
I attend a lot of conferences with lots of sponsor booths, and I realised that if I don’t know all the software and services out there, then a lot of people wouldn’t either. So I decided to share my learnings in these interviews. How do managers and owners learn about all the software and service providers in the industry? These interviews are almost like chatting to them at a conference booth. As a (retired) property manager I ask the questions you would. They are short interviews, averaging about 15 minutes, and so if the manager is interested to learn more, then they go direct to the company. The Techsplained podcast page will become a great industry resource. If you are looking for software or a service, you can do a search on the page, eg dynamic pricing, guest data, security deposits, listen to the relevant interviews and explore the one(s) that interest you.
Who is the audience for your vacation rental tech show?
Any vacation or short-term rental manager or owner, with any number of properties and any size company. The companies interviewed so far have services whose target audience is usually everyone, and some are for the slightly larger business. But it’s really for anyone who wants to know what’s going on in the industry. Anyone who is curious about who’s doing what in this industry. Do you know what’s out there? There is so much! It’s also great to be able to share what you’ve learned and help others.
What makes you a great host for this kind of show?
I have 15 years of industry experience behind me (I am a “retired” property manager now) and The Guest Innspector has enabled me to put all of my knowledge to work helping others improve their business and their guest’s experience. Techsplained has enhanced that knowledge. I love learning by talking and listening. Plus, curiosity and a lack of fear of being in front of the camera, or making mistakes, help too. It also boils down to love: love of the industry, the people in it, attending conferences, technology and I do love a challenge! I knew nothing about podcasts when I started!
Anything else people should know about the show?
An interview is released every Techsplained Tuesday. People can either watch or listen to the episodes and they are available on all the usual podcast sites, like Spotify, Apple, and Google podcasts (under “Techsplained with The Guest Innspector“). The episodes are short and sweet. No hot air, chit-chatting, just straight to the point, so it’s a great investment of your time. Plus you get to meet all the wonderful people in the industry!
Deborah can be contacted here: [email protected]