As a vacation rental owner, one of the best investments you can make is taking the time to learn from your peers. Learn from their failures and from their successes. It will save you a lot of time and money. This is the road I took when I decided to make vacation rentals my full-time job. I strongly believe that you should do the same and that attending Vacation Rental World Summit 2015 is the best thing you can do for yourself this fall.
This year, the summit’s slogan is «Learn from RentalScaleup who have crushed it with their properties and business models”. Well, this must be the perfect conference for anyone visiting this very site!
Vacation Rental World Summit 2015, an online event you can be part of from anywhere on the planet
First, it is a virtual conference, with real-life teachings: You do not have too book a plane or a hotel to attend. Just enjoy these great teachings from home and interact with other attendees directly from your computer.
When I first heard of the Vacation Rental World Summit, back in 2014, I thought that I would not be able to attend it, as I live on a small Caribbean island far from the usual conference venues.
Do not make the same mistake as I was about to do: This Summit is happening online, so anyone can attend. Videos are streamed online from November 6th to 8th, but you can replay them if needed. The best time zones to enjoy the event are in the US, Europe, and Africa but thanks to replays, vacation rental owners in Asia and Oceania can also benefit from it.
When is Vacation Rental World Summit 2015 taking place? How long does it last?
VRWS15 will be taking place from October 6 to October 8. If the schedule is modeled on last year’s, then it is made up of four 1-hour video sessions per day, over 3 days. Last year, there was a 1-hour break between every conference.
Each session is managed by a guest speaker who shares real-life tips to vacation rental success.
What topics will the Vacation Rental World Summit 2015 be covering?
According to the official site, the sessions will be covering 3 crucial topics for vacation rental owners:
GET MORE BOOKINGS by learning how to:
- Turn your Website into pure inspiration and influence decisions.
- Build your own stunning site with no tech savvy skills if you don’t have one.
- Establish an adequate degree of independency from listing sites.
- Increase your occupancy rate with minimal efforts yet smart moves.
- Make the most of the single most important asset you have.
- Leverage all streams of traffic possible to your property’s site.
STREAMLINE YOUR WORKFLOW by learning how to:
- Bring all your tasks under one roof and automate processes.
- Manage multiple calendars with one click and update listings with one platform.
- Speed up your management procedures.
- Understand analytics at a glance and use them effectively.
- Save time to focus on what matters you most.
- Increase your booking rate significantly.
- Determine your best pricing options.
- Build a loyal following of raving fans and ambassadors of your property back home.
- Claim your spot in the press and establish an ironclad reputation.
- Collect lots of 5 star genuine reviews and rank higher than your competitors.
What vacation rental industry peers will be speaking at Vacation Rental World Summit 2015?
So far, 4 names have been revealed:
- Vince Perez from FetchMyGuest
- Sébastien Grosjean from BookingSync
- Richard Vaughton from Discover Holiday Homes
- Antonio Bortolotti himself
You can check the weekly updates here, if you want: http://
Antonio has released a few video teasers to raise the attention around the speakers. Please watch them carefully, as you will be already be able to grab great ideas just by listening to these super-experienced speakers.
VRWS15 Preview: Listing Site Independence, with Vince Perez, CEO of FetchMyGuestVRWS15 Preview: Calendar Synchronization with Seb Grosjean, CEO of BookingSyncVRWS15 Preview: Payments, Process, Profit & Penalties by Richard Vaughton, CEO of Discover Holiday Homes
Who is the organizer behind Vacation Rental World Summit 2015?
As I said, the man behind this huge event is Antonio Bortolotti. You will read below his full, « official » profile. But let me tell you what kind of amazingly generous guy Antonio is: In early 2014, I was desperate to find the best advice possible to successfully launch my brand new vacation rental in Bali. It was a challenge, as this place, Bulung Daya, is a luxury beach retreat located in a secluded area of Bali. It would fit only some kinds of guests, but not the majority of Bali visitors, and local villa agencies would not take it in their inventory as it was deemed « too far away from anything ».
With so much money invested in building the villa, I had no choice but get tons of bookings ASAP in order to generate positive cash flow.
After googling for hours, I stumbled on Antonio’s site «Vacation Rental Secrets». I dropped him a note with a question. Believe it or not, but he came back to me under a few hours. He then spent 1 hour with me on Skype, discussing my doubts and helping me find a way to get press mentions. All for free. What a great guy! And I got lots of mentions in the press, just following his tactics.
So, after watching amazing classes during Vacation Rental Word Summit 2014 and after getting some much help on a personal level, I have witnessed that Antonio always over delivers on everything that he promises.
Here’s the blurb about Antonio, as taken from the Vacation Rental World Summit 2015 website:
Antonio Bortolotti Founder of Vacation Rental Secrets and the Fully Booked Formula online training program, Antonio Bortolotti is a successful Vacation Rental Property Owner, ‘Rentalpreneur‘, speaker, consultant and coach. His award winning rental properties have been featured in several national and international newspapers, magazines and on TV. The British ‘Observer’ named his Casa Teulada ‘One of the Best 20 Holiday Villas In The Mediterranean” and the ‘Sunday Times’ recommended it as ‘The Best Deal-For-Two’ in the Italian summer. He started his VR Business with nothing more than a big passion for beautiful living spaces, almost no money to begin with and no experience in buying and renovating properties yet he had a strong determination to succeed paired with an incredibly creative approach to business and a very clear vision of where he wanted to be with his wife in ten years from the start of their incredibly rewarding journey, which led them to live the life they always wanted. Alongside managing his properties remotely with just a laptop and an internet connection while traveling around the world for business and for pleasure, Antonio regularly speaks at major industry Vacation Rental conferences sharing his strategies for maximizing rental income.
Also, some disclosure: Antonio Bortolotti is one of my personal mentors. I am happy to talk about this event here on the RentalPreneurs blog, as I watched the 2014 edition of the event last year – I even bought the replays to take the time to absorb this wealth of information.
This year, I may even have a modest active role at VRMS15 (to be announced, I’ll tell you more about it later). However, I’d like you to know that I have an affiliate deal with Antonio, which means that I get a commission on each ticket sold through my own website – I guess that it does not change anything for you, but I like things to be clear as I sometimes see online marketers promote a crappy event just for the sake of earning a commission. Here, it’s a great event, that I happily fully endorse.
Get on my special list to get discount on VRWS15 and insider scoops
In a few days, tickets for the Summit will go on sale. If you want to know when and how you can get access to discounted tickets for the Vacation Rental World Summit 2015, stay updated by joining our free LinkedIn Group : Independent Vacation Rental Owners.