
Insider’s tips for luxury vacation rental owners

Thibault Masson

Taylor White is a fantastic podcast interviewer, host of the Overseas Property Insider Podcast. If you are interested in international ...

Its a cleaning business

Rex Brown

I had to make a difficult decision recently when I fired a good cleaner. She cleaned my rental till it ...

Rental tragedies repeating – the psychology of feedback

Rex Brown

Sometimes as Vacation Rental owners, we blindly repeat the same little tragedy without realising it. This is vividly illustrated by ...

Have you made yourself free of your rental business?

Rex Brown

Have you made yourself free? In August I had a horrible experience. With no prior warning, a friend my age who ...

Noticeboard of dog pics

How to target a customer niche – the dog owner example

Rex Brown

To succeed with a target customer niche, you need to specialise and serve those customers really well. This hit home ...

Google trends – threats and opportunities for VR owners

Rex Brown

Do you wonder what Google is up to that will affect us in the vacation rental industry? This year I ...

bookingsync vacation rental software

Choosing where to advertise your vacation rental – Do you ignore the obvious?

Rex Brown

It is said that the difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that the successful grasp the obvious opportunities in ...

Airbnb growth impact on vacation rentals

The astonishing growth of Airbnb – its impact on vacation rentals

Rex Brown

This is the most significant post I’ve done to date.  It has far reaching insights into Airbnb and its explosive ...

Alerts can help convert enquiries

More holiday rental bookings – the magical sound alert

Rex Brown

Enquiry Alerts It is well known that a fast response to customers is going to convert more e-mail enquiries into ...

The powerful enquiry SMS sound alert – How To Do It

Rex Brown

In an separate article,  More holiday rental bookings – the magical sound alert, I explained how an automated alert can ...

Setting Simple Email Alerts – How To Do It

Rex Brown

In an earlier post More holiday rental bookings – the magical sound alert, I explained it can be useful to ...

Fully booked? I laughed when the sceptic called me a bull tish artist.

Rex Brown

The top line of the Holiday Rental Mastery website asks: “Are you a fully booked rental owner?” Several rental owners ...

How I Converted 60% of My Enquiries to Bookings

Rex Brown

I am constantly experimenting with new ways of running my holiday rental.  It drives my partner crazy! I nearly fell ...

How I got started.

Rex Brown

It was in 2004, and I was looking for a place to stay on Kangaroo Island in South Australia. I ...

alt advocates

Are you a fully booked rental owner?

Rex Brown

If not, now is the time to learn how you can achieve Rental Mastery: Use psychology to convert more bookings ...